Jul 28, 2016

Having Fun Times...

Do not take life too seriously.  You will never get out of it alive...

When Arvid is not hiding from the camera and from me, I can usually get him to go along
 with just about anything.  For him this is hard to do because he always protests.  Especially when
 I try to take his picture in "not normal" settings.  Here I managed because he was too tired.

He tried protesting.  Covering his face, but in the end it was of no use.  He was tired.

We are enjoying our days here in Norway with everyone.  Temperatures are cooler,
but I am loving it.  There is no need for A/C and one can snuggle up under a blanket.
Our days are now limited and we are of course trying to do as much as we can with everyone.

Good morning everyone. Greetings from Norway.

Challenges are what make life interesting and 
overcoming them is what makes life meaningful...
