I like my music's volume high enough to not hear you...
Just look at his face. Arvid could not wait to get going to the festival. He said to me,
"this weekend no one can get hold of me. I'm not turning my phone on." And he had a big smile
on his face. The man is happiest when he hears the Blues, and Friday did not disappoint.
Said Arvid, "dear music I will never be able to thank you enough for being there for me."
As always I love being outdoors. I may not always sit still, but I'm having a good time.
I enjoy watching everyone and capturing moments. Makes me happy. Very happy.
People of all ages were there. Old, young, infants. You name it they were there.
Some came on bicycles, wheelchairs, strollers and of course many like us just walked.
The first day was HOT! Just about everyone wore a hat. Unfortunately,
I have too much hair and no hats really stay put on my head.
Saturday on the other hand was even hotter. Neither Arvid nor I felt we wanted to go out and
sit in the heat, even for the Blues. As you know we live in Florida, and we rarely go out
in the heat. So on this day we stayed home with Sniff Sniff and listened to the music from
our balcony. Was a treat and best of all we were in the shade, yet heard everything.
I took the above pictures from our balcony. Not too shabby after all. We like it.
Yesterday the temperatures dipped into the 60's F, of course we were cold, but more
so Arvid. As you can see he had to borrow my scarf for the remainder of the evening.
After that it was good. We moved around a bit and at some point we had a
little sunshine which help quite a lot in warming us up.
As far as Arvid and I are concerned there is no place better than Chicago.
In the summertime The Blues Festival has the best place to call home. Chicago.
The views from each stage is just breathtaking. Arvid and I are just fortunate to
be living in the center of all the amazingness that is Chicago.
In the mist of all of this, tragedy surrounds us. As the world now knows, Orlando,
Florida an American-born man who's pledged allegiance to ISIS gunned down 50 people
early Sunday at a gay nightclub in Orlando. The deadliest mass shooting in the
United States and the nations worst terror attack since 9/11 according to authorities.

Life sure is put into perspective, There are hundreds of families mourning the loss of loved
ones. Tears that will forever be a part of their lives. It makes one really appreciate what
we have and who we have in our lives. To all, what are you grateful for today?
Good morning all. Remember to never let the things you want make you forget the
things you have. I also remind myself of that quite often these days.
If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough. As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them...