Play the moments. Pause the memories.
Stop the pain. Rewind the happiness...
Arvid is not a morning person neither is Sniffer. If we slept in until 9 in the morning
Sniff Sniff would also be curled up next to his Dada. They both love their sleep.
Sniff likes to roam around these days, and Arvid says he is not rested because he's
awake all night long. Last night Sniff slept quietly and so did Arvid. For a change
the morning was fairly relaxed and not too much stress going on. Love it.
Good morning everyone. Today is day 2 of The Chicago Blues Festival. Brutus loved music.
Whenever Arvid turned on the jukebox or any of his Blues music Brutus was always there.
Together he and Arvid listened to music all the time. When Shadow came along Arvid tried
to do the same with him. Shadow was not afraid of anything, and when Arvid blasted the
music he was right there. Now it's Sniff's turn to listen to the Blues with his Dada.
As of now Sniff Sniff also has shown an interest in the music. Happy kitties.
Today is Arvid's mom's birthday. Happy birthday Molly. See you soon in Norway.
Hope your day is a good one. Arvid and I send love to you and a big hug.
Thank you for everything and for always being so good to me.

Last night after the Blues Festival we watched the Copa America game between Argentina
and Panama from our balcony. That is we were able to see the screen from our
balcony as the game was being broadcasted. Pretty cool. Messi did not disappoint
his fans who paid anywhere $100 to $1200 to see the game.
Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings,
not count the years. The more you praise and celebrate your life,
the more there is in life to celebrate. Happy Birthday Molly...