You have left our life, but you will never leave my heart...
I really don't have much to say today. My heart is consumed with grief. I am
devastated by Shadows death and nothing can bring me comfort right now.
He loved his chicken and now I can't give it to him anymore.
My heart is just broken. I am broken. I am beyond sad. I miss Shadow.
Whenever I had to use the sink in the bathroom Shadow was always in it before I got a
chance to turn on the water, and if I did turn it on, I always would then dry it so that
he could jump in and sit while I brushed my teeth. He loved being in the sink.
Once again my heart, my soul has been ripped off. I still grieve for my
Brutus, now I grieve for little Shadow as well. I'm not sure how
much grief a person can handle and still be sane.
Mourning is love with no place to go. Maybe the reason I love
animals so much, is maybe because the only time they have ever broken
my heart is when they've crossed that rainbow bridge...