Oct 19, 2015


Goals are dreams with deadlines.
If it doesn't challenge you it won't change you...

A new week begins.  Pretty exciting one for us and I hope the same for you.Everyday
 I see on Facebook some kink of a test people take that defines something about them, their
 personality or some other aspect about their likes, dislikes you name it Facebook has a test
 for it.  Usually I ignore all of them, but the other day I was awake pretty early and decided 
to try it out for myself.  Since I liked what was said I decided to share it here.  

Arvid and I are back on the road again.  Next stop is Las Vegas.

Wishing you a great week.  Hope we all get most of our goals accomplished. 
 We have quite a few we would like to see happen so fingers crossed that this is the
 week that makes us all break out in smiles and happiness.  Happy Monday friends.

Focus on your goal.  Don't look in any direction but ahead.
It's Monday.  Don't forget to be awesome...
