A child can teach an adult three things:
to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something,
and to know how to demand with all his-her might that which he-she desires...
When I picture my niece Lilly Vade a huge smile comes to me. She is the personification
of what love is all about. She's all girl. She's everything that makes a little girl
the apple of your eye. She's not yet 8 and her newest favorite thing to do is
to send out emails like crazy. Lucky me I am in her email list.
My mom is also recipient of daily emails from Lilly Vade and like me her day is not
complete if she does not hear from Lilly, and if my mom does not answer back
in a timely fashion Lilly sends her another email wondering what is going on
and if everything is OK with her grandma. How sweet is that?
Yesterday my sister Rima, Lilly's mom sent us all a little text with something
Lilly wrote for her, and it goes like this. Just too too cute.
Of course I am now missing them like crazy and my mind is spinning trying
to figure out when I ca go to Virginia for a little visit. Missing them right now.
Quite a few things to do again today. The days are winding down and suddenly
there is not enough time for all the things that of course pop up right before we have
to go on a vacation. So typical. Murphy's Law happening right now with us.
Hoping to go to the movies tonight to see the new Terminator that out. Yes, we like all
the Terminator movies and just about all the Arnold Schwarzenegger action films.
Movie land. Always relaxing and always a place where we cab actually sit and not
have to answer any phone calls or text, or check emails. For a few hours it
is blissful. Hopefully we will be doing that later on today.
To all a very good day. Thursday already and the day is looking promising.
Lilly Vade. She is clothed in strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future...