Feb 19, 2015

A Cold Day In The Sunshine State....

I'm from Miami, I love it when we're out in the heat. When it's cold,
 I'm like, 'I'm never acting again,' because it's too freezing....

The weather is kinda getting me down a little.  Granted it is 100x better than where the rest of
my family is, even so for Florida standards it has been too many cold days this year so far.
So, I asked myself, "what would make me feel better?"  Of course the answer was a
 trip to the mall to my favorite store Michael Kors.  When I feel blue
 I feel the need to check out the new collection of handbags.

The thought of going to the mall is already making me feel better.  Already time to
think about some spring colors and definitely yellow is one of my favorites.

For us these cold days are really taking it's toll.  Just the other day Arvid said, "boy I
 can't wait for summer to come again and to be warm."  That tells you that it must
 be cold.  Arvid after all is a Viking, or at least he likes to say he is.

Not much going out today.  Just a few chores out, but hopefully most of the day we
will be spending it inside.  Brutus for sure will be all bundled up.  Arvid will definitely
be wearing all his "winter" gear and I'm sure to wear my fuzzy socks and keep my feet warm.

While many states are facing terrible snow storms, we are still very lucky.
It may be cold, actually much colder than we want it to be here in Florida, but it won't
last.  A few more days of this and it will go away.  Back to warm weather soon again.
Yes, we are still very fortunate.  We live in a place where winter just comes a few days a year.

Good morning everyone.  Hope your day and ours also warms up a little more.
As someone describing this cold weather:  It's so cold outside;
I just saw a teenage boy with his pants pulled up!

So when you're cold from the inside out
And don't know what to do,Remember love and friendship, 
And warmth will come to you...
