STOP making up excuses, STOP saying that you'll do it tomorrow,
STOP believing it will happen by itself,
BEGIN working out today, BEGIN eating healthy,
BEGIN your life change now, do it today and be proud tomorrow...
Hopefully we are now on the road to recovery for both Arvid and Brutus.
Both have been in pain for quite some time,
and seems only fitting that 2013 be the year to do something about it.
Surgery or no surgery, Brutus manages to eat his foodies and to get even more attention, as if that were possible.
Pretty soon he will be back to ship shape. He better because not sure how much longer Arvid will be able to crawl on his knees just to be able to play with Brutus and to comfort him while he is not feeling well. I think knee pain or no knee pain Arvid will always find time to do what he does for Brutus.

Have a good day everyone and remember, not everyday may be good, but there is something good in everyday. Make sure you don't forget it, and you enjoy every moment you have. Life is precious and when we least expect it the unexpected happens.
Never wait for tomorrow to say, "I wish I had..."
Today is always your best bet.
I'm not alive just to live, I'm going to have fun with my life and do what I please, have what I need and want. So one day when I'm old and my hair is grey; I can look back and be proud of what I did do, and not what I didn't....