And although I like to relax and have fun, my passion is constant move...
Sunday morning and all is good. As usual, Brutus was awake at 6am hoping we would get out of the bed. Same routine everyday. He tries, but today I was not ready to get up this early. Forget about Arvid he is a "late" riser and he is definitely not getting out of any bed before 7:30am.
Today however, he got out before I did, and it was closer to 8. Brutus needed to have his morning walk to his foodies and to just make sure someone was following him around as he did whatever it is he does. Once Arvid and Brutus are up there is no way I can stay in bed any longer. They come to the room and Arvid says, "time to get up. Brutus wants you to brush him and take him to drink some water, eat grass etc. Luckily, Arvid started my coffee maker. Good to wake up to the smell of coffee brewing.
Unlike most cats Brutus has this special "gadget" set up for drinking water in the bathtub. It's one of my orange juice bottles. I have punctured the bottom so water flows out and then I fill it all up with other water bottles. He thinks it's a fountain (he has a fountain) and can spend quite some time just chasing the water and occasionally drinking some. This we do very often throughout the day. Yes, he is totally spoilt. So what's new?
Since being home for a few days, we have been relaxing and taking it very easy. Spending lots of time with Brutus and just staying indoors. Truth is, it has been very hot. Mid 90F (35C). Too hot for much. Today promises to be better. Friday we did get to go to Buddy Guy's Legends Club and this was nice. Again we met some very friendly Canadians who sat at our table. Seems we always meet Canadians there. Pretty interesting place, and Buddy Guy showed up and did a few songs. He's old!
Saturday I did some malling around. Good way to spend a few hours. The city is also bombarded with hundreds of thousands of people as well. Here for the lollapalooza festival which is totally sold out at $230 for a 3 day pass. Unfortunately, due to very bad weather last night it was shut down for 3-4 hours. Nothing stopped the party though. We stayed in.

Have a good day everyone.
I don't really make plans and I just want to be happy and continue with my business and take care of my loved ones... I want to sit back, relax and enjoy life...