Everyday has been one fun filled day after another. The weather has been holding up nicely and for that we have been happy. Arvid, Brutus and I are awake early, but not as early as we would had we been alone. We stay in bed a bit longer to give Danielle more time to snooze. When we do get out, it's because Brutus can no longer wait he needs to be taken out to eat, drink and just do his wandering around.
We usually have breakfast by 9 every day, but also since Danielle is here we have stretched it to a bit later. Let me tell you this is a big deal for Arvid. Nothing interferes with his schedules, but now he seems OK with it. In the meantime, Danielle is starting to turn around and Brutus circling around her. Danielle is always cold. She has nine bed covers over her and claims she could still use more.

It is very nice to see my niece and Arvid bond year after year. This year Arvid had an alone conversation with Danielle. He gave her a few "negotiation" tips, and a few tips on life in general. Was very interesting to watch. She listened and then gave him a big hug and thanked him. Worth the entire visit this year.
Today Arvid says he wants to treat her to something different. This means something Arvid likes, but will make it seem she would also. Clever. We will take her to Buddy Guys Legends Club later on today. Arvid did say we would do the early show, this way Danielle can get in. Guess he applied his negotiation tactics here also.
Well we are all looking forward to a good day together. Does not matter where we take Danielle or what we do. She always has a good time. Just like us.
Have a good Saturday everyone and have some fun...
I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles....