When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave everyone wondering...
Sometimes it's the simple things in life that makes us the happiest. When I find myself tired and a little low on energy one of my favorite boosts is to have fresh squeezed orange juice. I have bought me the simplest of machines from Bed Bath and Beyond and it makes the perfect OJ...everyday. Fresh-squeezed, unpasteurized juice is the closest to consuming the orange itself.
So next time you need a pick me up in the middle of the day or just anytime. Try some fresh squeezed orange juice. healthy, refreshing, nutritious and lots of vitamin C.
Orange juice usually varies between shades of orange and yellow, though some ruby red or blood orange varieties are a reddish-orange or even pinkish. This is due to different pigmentation in ruby red oranges.

Go ahead..enjoy some!
Hold uzis in a mobster suit. The Bugatti got ostrich seats, my gosh I'm loose. Pick up 50 G's a morning with my orange juice...
until next time...