The purpose of our lives is to be happy...
Last night we picked up Danielle. She came in pretty late, but we were there waiting for her. We rented a car for a few hours and to the airport we went. As usual she surprises us with her wittiness and conversation. Have to say there was not a dull moment in the car. She had us laughing from the start. If this is and indication of her visit, then I'm happy.
Early yesterday morning, Arvid and Brutus made sure all was ready for Danielle. This meant checking to see that her blowup bed is all set to go.
Arvid dropped us home and then took off to return the car. I have to say Arvid is being a good sport. There is a Blues artist performing tonight he wanted us to see, but he skipped most of it so we can go get Danielle together. In the end he did manage to see an hour of it, but said it was not that great after all. In the meantime Danielle and I had some time on our own. Looking forward to more of this.
Danielle is also looking forward to this visit. This is what she wrote to us a few days ago:
Awww, Auntie Nad, this is the cutest thing! I have been waiting to come back to Chicago since I left last summer, you cannot imagine how excited I am to see you, Uncle Arvid and Brutus! I can't wait to win more bets against Uncle Arvid ahaha, and to go wherever in Chicago you have planned, but even if you didn't plan anything, it would still be an amazing time just to be with you guys. I love you both so much, I can't wait until Monday!
Well now she's here and time to take her around town....it will be fun to do some girl stuff with her. Plans...hmmmm. Movies, the beach, lunches and dinners out, walks along the river, Navy Pier, hot tub and the pool. Of course shopping and Starbucks...Lots to do!
Right now she is still asleep with Brutus watching over her. Brutus being the brave cat he's not is afraid to go into the living room for his foodies. He just peeps at her. Arvid of course is showing his stamp collection to Danielle and explaining all about it and now she wants to collect stamps.
It is going to be a good day.
The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters....
It is going to be a good day.
The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters....