Every major food company now has an organic division. There's more capital going into organic agriculture than ever before....
How many of you enjoy grocery shopping? Maybe not as much as I do, but if you went shopping at The Whole Foods Market it promises to be a treat and a very pleasurable experience. Not only do you have tons of organic products to choose from ranging from vegetable, eggs, meats etc, but you also have a great selection of baked foods, cooked foods and some very succulent desserts.
We are fortunate to have two of these markets very close to us. Though I buy quite a few products here a must is always Arvid's bread. It's called Prairie bread and if he does not get it he is not a happy camper. It is also a very nutritious and tasty bread with lots of ingredients good for you.
Ingredients: Nonfat milk, rice flour, tapioca starch, eggs, evaporated cane juice, canola oil, yeast, millet, buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, xanthan gum, salt, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax, poppy seeds, lemon juice.
Another favorite of mine is shopping through their Body Care Products. I love everything and at some point I have tried quite a few of their products. I cannot say that they have all agreed with me, but I never give up on trying new things. Right now I like their line called Gabriel. I use the lipstick and lip gloss and find that they suit me well. This is my favorite gloss right now.
What I like about the cosmetics is quality of the ingredients which I think is safer for our bodies and our planet. Most of the body care line emphasizes that taking the best care of yourself and the environment doesn't have to be a sacrifice!
my helper |
Arvid who is not really the grocery shopper type never likes to miss a chance to go with me to the Whole Foods Market. We go there, he goes straight to the bakery section to pick up the bread I called in earlier. We normally buy 5-7 at a time and freeze then. I then walk around and do the rest of the shopping always ending up with things I did not really go for but....so delicious and so tempting. Last year Arvid's brother visited us in Chicago and one of their favorite places was The Whole Foods Market.
I don't buy everything here, I do not believe all of it is actually better than at the regular grocery store, but the products we do buy are excellent and I will not buy them elsewhere. For me just going there is a treat and I look forward to those trips. Even Brutus ends up with something...It's a win win for everyone:)
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit...