Jan 5, 2012


Live your life without regret, don't be someone who they ll forget....If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it, its much easier to apologize then it is to get permission...

When writing my blog I love to use quotes.  I find that they make for interesting and sometimes funny moments.  Today as I was just reading I saw these and they caught my attention.  Nothing particular about them, but they reminded me of people I have come across in my life.

How many times do we go for instance to a restaurant and you see the customers being just rude and downright obnoxious to the waitress or waiter?  Or for instance the customer being just plain nasty to the sales person.  This sure irritates me because I have been in customer service jobs and the one thing I have NEVER tolerated (among so many others) were rude customers.  I do not put up with rude people period!  My thing is if you can't be nice then go away...I don't want to be bothered by you...ss if it were that easy:)

Many years ago I read a book in which the author was saying how useless it is to hold grudges and to feel anger and resentments towards others. Why? because as the author stated, sometimes the only one who actually "suffers" is the one holding the grudge. The other person maybe does not even know you're holding a grudge against them. I say live and let live. No need to worry about what others think because in the end you can't really change their ways, and really why bother? As they say, life is too short, grudges are a waste of perfect happiness, laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you can't change.

Mistakes like everyone, I have made and will still make.  My goal is to learn from them and to try and not make the same ones again.  That's as good as it gets!  I have learned more from my mistakes than from my successes.  I'm a firm believer that sometimes its right to do the wrong thing.  Never regret anything because at some point you wanted it. There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.

Yes, the past can hurt but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it. You shouldn't regret anything that you say, because it was what you were feeling at the moment. What I like about experience is that it is such an honest thing.....