What greater gift than the love of a cat? ......
I text ed my friend Liliana that I was taking Brutus to the vet and she immediately wanted to know if the "baby" was all right. She loves him as much as we do I think. Not only was she concerned but she insisted on meeting us at the vet just so that she can see Brutus. Gives me an opportunity also to see her:)
Everyone at he vet knows Brutus goes with us all the time to the Bahamas so when we arrived they just looked at him and asked "how's the traveller"?
The doctor said it may be an allergy to his food so now I will have to try and change his diet. Anyone who has a pet especially a cat knows how difficult it is to switch them to another food once they have decided on the one they like. Have to give it a try and hope for the best. For me, one of the pleasures of cats' company is their devotion to bodily comfort. A famous quote: " My husband said it was him or the cat...I miss him sometimes." .........
I love cats because I love my home and after a while they become its visible soul...our home would NEVER be the same without Brutus....