The only reason why child abuse is alive today, is because we as adults fail our children when we fail to listen to them. Listen to a child today!.....
I have been tossing and turning in bed for quite a while now. The other day Arvid and I were out having lunch and I witnessed something that has left me feeling depressed, angry and inadequate. Inadequate because I saw what happened and I did nothing. Now I feel so guilty and wonder what will happen to that little boy.....
While having lunch we saw a mother with her kids they were all having lunch but, the mom was busy doing something on her phone. Texting probably. One of the kids asked the mom something while she was "playing" on her phone. The mom turned around and just shouted at him like as if no one was if he was no one. She said and I quote "what the hell is wrong with you can't you see I am busy?" "Get the hell out of my sight right now".
I will never forget the look in the little boys eyes. It swelled up with tears but not a teardrop fell. It broke my heart there and then. All instints told me I should say something. For you see now that I am thinking of it, what I witnessed was child abuse. OK so she did not hit the child...but, do you know that words hurt forever and that you can never take it back once said. I was laying in bed thinking what did this child do to deserve such harsh language from the person who is supposed to cherish and protect him? What?
I have no kids but I will tell you, this is not the kind of behaviour of a mother. What if this goes on regularily? WHERE IS DAD IN THIS PICTURE????
I have 4 sisters and they all have children and I will be the first to tell you that if I should ever witness any of them treat their child like that I would never stay quiet. Never. What can be so important that you can't take a minute to listen to your child? Why do you have to speak to them in that language? For a child this is probably going to leave scars forever....I remember because I was a child once and once my dad told me to be quiet......this was nothing bad but that stayed forever with me. It broke my heart then and when I think of it I think of the little girl I was it still breaks my heart. Imagine this little boy....who says "hell" to a little kid?? WHO???
What do you think this will do to this child?
As far as I am concerned this is child abuse in it's worst form. Please if you witness this behaviour do not do what I did. Do not stay quiet. I regret not saying something to that mother even though it was none of my business. I lay thinking of that little boy and wondering what else goes on behind closed doors.

The next good thing to having kids is that I have wonderful nephews and nieces. I love each and everyone on them like they were my own children and if I were to ever know they were being mistreated by their parents or someone else I would definitely say and do to each of my sisters I ask do you recognize any of these tendencies in you? Do you find that sometimes you are so tired you forget your words and maybe...just maybe hurtful things come out of your mouths?
To all parents out there PLEASE be more aware of what you say to your child...the look in that little boy's eyes will haunt me for a very long time......
I will end by saying...."if you witness this behaviour speak up otherwise you are just as bad as the person/persons perpetrating the behaviour"......
Child abuse casts a shadow the length of a lifetime.....
until next time....
until next time....