What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly
Reading the finance news I came across this article... hope you enjoy it. In our lives we have all been "cheap" at some point probably, but when it is to the extreme then that can become a very ugly trait.

Thrifty: Buying Items That Are on Sale
Cheap: Only Buying Items That Are on Sale
Seeking out sales can be a great way to help make groceries, clothes and virtually any other items you need fit into a tight budget. At the grocery store, for example, you might choose the cereal that's on sale, rather than the one that's on your list.
When people cross the line to cheap, however, is when they refuse to buy anything that isn't on sale. This can often backfire by causing you to buy things that might be of lower overall value or that you wouldn't have even considered buying otherwise. You may find yourself spending more than you would have had you just purchased what you needed. It can also put shoppers out of touch with the value of what they're getting for their money - and isn't that what thrift is all about?
Thrifty: Tipping According to Service
Cheap: Never Tipping at All
Common etiquette requires that customers provide tips for certain services. As a result, some of these service providers are actually paid considerably less by their employers, because they expect that tips will make up the difference. In some states, this may even be less than minimum wage. If you get rude or indifferent service, it may be fair to leave nothing, but if you never tip, ask yourself why. Is it really because you feel your waiter or taxi driver makes plenty of money, or is it just because you can't bear to part with it?
Thrifty: Putting Money Aside for Savings
Cheap: Saving Everything and Living on Nothing
Living a very Spartan lifestyle can a great way to achieve a big goal, but it's no way to live. If you're working toward retiring early, buying a house or taking time off work to spend with family, travel or pursue other goals, digging deep to make this happen just might be worth it. But if you find yourself saving nearly every penny and scrounging to make ends meet, it may be time to ask yourself just what you're saving for. If you don't have an answer, you've probably gone too far.
Thrifty: Taking Advantage of a Good Deal
Cheap: Taking Advantage
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loser!! |
If you find a great way to stretch a dollar, there's nothing wrong with making good use of it. For example, if you're in a coffee shop that provides free refills, stick around and enjoy a few cups if you're in the mood. But please, don't keep the cup and come back later (or every day thereafter) for more. A couple of extra cups of coffee probably won't put a dent in a business's bottom line, but if more people follow your lead, it might just quash its free refills.
Thrifty: Cutting Out Internet and Cable
Cheap: Stealing It from Your NeighborsIf you start cutting costs, you'll soon learn that you can get by with a lot less. But if you want to be able to brag about your frugal living ways, you have to actually do without. If you cut out your Internet but then log on through your neighbor's wireless signal, you're about as enviable as the guy who parks a Prius in his driveway but keeps a Lexus Convertible in the garage.
The Bottom Line
If you've cut your budget so far that you need to resort to taking advantage of others, consider yourself cheap. The same is true if your sense of frugality begins to look more like austerity or self-denial. Budgeting and saving money should be a measured approach to reach a financial goal or survive tough times, not an end in and of themselves. While being frugal may be trendy right now, taking this trend to its extremes may be no better than falling prey to overspending. After all, neither approach leads to living well, which is what smart financial planning is all about.
Nothing wrong with wanting the best deal available...who doesn't?
However, it is possible to go too far...and this can definitely be a turn off rather than an asset. Like the article says there is a fine line between being thrifty and being downright CHEAP!!!
most generous man I know:) |
The generous man enriches himself by giving; the cheap man hoards himself poor....A miser grows rich by seeming poor; an extravagant man grows poor by seeming
until next time