It's interesting to leave a place, interesting even to think about it. Leaving reminds us of what we can part with and what we can't, then offers us something new to look forward to, to dream about.....

Time is now running out on just less than 2 days we will no longer call The Las Olas Grand home. It has been long days for us since coming here on Friday. We have been working almost 12 hours everyday to clear out our stuff and to clean the apartment for the new owners. By nightime we are exhausted all we feel like doing is to just collapse and not get up....but on the other hand I just wish the day had more hours so that I could continue working to just finish with it. Everything is in such dissary. I know it will be done so not worried.
We arrived Friday and at 1am we went straight to get boxes that were left in a dumpster for us. From that moment on we did not stop packing.
In between all of the packing we have made time to do some apartment hunting. We have traveled all over looking at different options. Some pretty interesting things we have seen so far.
We are both ready to leave and to begin the search for a new home.....
A final farewell to this beautiful view we had.....
All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is part of ourselves.....