People visiting then never leaving...sounds petty but sometimes there are people who never know when is ENOUGH!!
Girls drinking....double standard but for some reason I se men drinking as the norm and when I see a girl doing the same it makes me think less of her especially when they get drunk and totally stupid. Seeing a guy get drunk and stupid also pisses me off......drunk people do not know how stupid they look and act.....they think it's funny.
People calling at all hours of the day/night....come on everyone there is such a thing as a little too much calling....like you we also appreciate our quality time.....
People who talk non stop ...and about nothing that really matters...lots of gossip and no substance...please save us....

This is a good one...drivers who do not use turn signal..........of course then there are those that use them and never turn them off.
Another thing that really get me mad is people not saying thank you. I was raised to always say please and thank you. Thday I have noticed than not many of the young ones do that...what a shame. Happy because my sisters have all raised their children the right way. It goes a long way.....
Slackers....so annoying. Expecting everyone to do everything for them.
Lack of independence and fear to do anything.....big no no...
What are yours?
Check out this list of pet peeves.......
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people that annoy me.
until next time...