“Freedom is never given, it is won.”
I feel very fortunate to be living in the USA...there is no better place on earth as far as I am concerned. I have traveled a bit and would never choose any other place to call home.
Being born in a different county makes you appreciate the USA even more. Here we have the freedom to say and do what we like....
I have also lived in many states within the USA and I have to say that today my favorite place to call home is Chicago....

We also did a bit sight seeing....and let me tell you there is a lot to see....
As usual we had a great time....
And I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
PS: that flag was taken in Macys...the flag is 7 stories tall and Macys has a total of 12 stories....
until next time...