A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost....
These are mys sisters....they are my best friends.....
I have four younger sisters. We fought, we patched up. We laughed at jokes that no one can understand. We said some of the meanest things to each other. We defended each other when others won't. We did some of the silliest things together and there's so many stories to be recalled when we are together.

I consider myself lucky. We are five sisters and I am the eldest. We all live in different parts of the USA and one lives in Puerto Rico. This makes it difficult sometimes for all of us to be together at the same time. Even so, we do manage to see each other at least once a year. Sometimes if we are lucky we may see each other twice. Even though we are all so far apart we have maintained a bond that is unbreakable. We are each others best friends.

For that reason and because I want to......I will be going to Texas to visit Rima and family. I love all my sisters dearly and everytime I have the chance to see one of them I jump at it......Arvid and I are fortunate to be able to travel almost anywhere and anytime we like...it's a matter of just picking up and going. For my sisters it is a bit more difficult because they have kids and so much more is involved...I admire them for all they do and how well they manage with so much going on...
I am very excited about going to Texas. We have such a good time there always. This time I will be going alone. Unfortunately, Arvid has too much to do and can't make it. Another time it will be.....
Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there.....I have 4 best friends....
Naleena, Nirvana, Nirmala and Narima.....
until next time....