Not sure what is going on but, all of a sudden I am being "attacked" by the worst allergies ever....I have never had anything like this before. Never had allergies period.
It's been a year now that this has been going on. If anyone has any idea as to why please let me know. There is nothing specific I can pin it down to. Seems like anything and everything sets off an alergiy attack. I have the usual symptoms listed here so nothing new there.
Was looking up adult allergy onset and came up with an interesting article. You can check it out and see what you think. In my case, it describes my symptoms and reactions to a T. Here is the link...
Aside from that, it has been pretty hectic here. Nothing unsual about that. Our life in Florida is busy...busy...busy...that's why we look forward so much to our getaways to Eleuthera....where we will e heading to by the end of the month.
I miss the tranquility there and just the relaxed atmosphere....We miss our Little Red House.... and our beach...
Just look at him all relaxed also on the kitchen counter...he also loves his island home..
Well it's back to the rush...rush..of our life here in Florida. Probably have to go to the doctor and checkout something stronger for my allergies....
I just read these side effects on SINGULAIR:
Side effects vary by age and may include headache, ear infection, sore throat, and upper respiratory infection. Behavior and mood-related changes have been reported, including agitation, aggression or anger, bad or vivid dreams, depression, anxiety, hallucinations (seeing things that are not there), irritability, restlessness, sleepwalking, suicidal thoughts and actions (including suicide), trembling, and trouble sleeping. Tell the doctor if you have, or your child has, these or any other side effects while taking SINGULAIR.
The truth is I am more scared right now....after reading this.... I wonder if I am better off with my allergies.....Either way, life is good and we are having a blast....
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
until next time....