I am very much looking forward to this because you see my grandmother lives in Canada. I do not see her very often so the fact that we will be in Canada is the opportunity I have been waiting for.
As a matter of fact is was my husband Arvid who said there was no way we would go to Canada and not visit my grandmother. Can't wait to see her.
Tomorrow I will dedicate my blog to my grandmother. She is a true inspiration and one amazing woman. Here is my grandmother with me and my 3 sisters. At this time my youngest sister was not yet born. We call her Ma.....and I love her.......
We miss the easy laid back pace of life in Eleuthera. Already here we are all kinked up, our shoulders and back hurting from being too much on the laptops and not enough time outside......
This is what Eleuthera is all about.......
“One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.”
until next time....